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Apply precognition

by Debra Lynne Katz &
Lyn Buchanan

ARV groups

Free members join one ARV group. Full members can join all ARV groups, which currently include five GARV groups (see Experiments  below) and one sports group. Most groups use APP's WE database for binary predictions.


First Groove uses color ARV to predict horse races, which have more than two choices.

Taskings are spread throughout the week so viewers can plan ahead. Predictions for all groups are shared through a Google Predictions email group, available to Full members.

Contact Patricia H. at to join one or more of these groups!

All members are enrolled in the APP Discussion group.

The GARV groups led by Marty Rosenblatt meet weekdays, one focusing on Group Associative Remote Viewing and the other on self-holistic healing. Find out more HERE.























First Groove



Videos about ARV groups

See how Scott's group WWCDINNER operated

at over a 70% Hit Rate.



Watch Jon Knowles

Strict Unitary  ARV Webinar

Presentation here

APP Experiments

Healing Sessions (ALL APP members - free and Full - may attend)

Every weekday, we do Self-Holistic-Healing. Each person is asked to draw a sketch, with words, of the issue to be healed. "We are one" is a key theme and thus doing for others, with their permission, is ok. Also, heed all medical advice.


After sharing love with the group, we meditate using a 4-minute Stephen Wright's deep meditation - "I am."


We then individually, knowing this is a group process, do the holistic-healing for 7 minutes using our ability to manifest based on intention.

Stephen Wright's meditation (also available on the Free Past Webinar page)

Self-Healing Schedule (weekdays)
9 am PT -- Chat
9:05 am PT -- Begin Cool-Down and Self-Holistic-Healing Protocol


Summary of Self-Healing protocol
Pay Attention to your health issue...experience it now.​
Sketch location and in a few words, describe issue.
Short Cool-Down​

Let-go of extraneous thoughts/feelings, as much as possible.
Add Love and Joy, directly or perhaps from an earlier experience/event.
Do Meditation with strong INTENTION TO HEAL
​ ​... deeper and deeper ... 

FeedBack – yes, but give some time if "serious issue"​
Do daily, if possible, to enhance INTENTION​
Always heed me
dical advice​
If doing on others, Always get consent!​



Group ARV  (ALL APP members - free and Full - may participate in one group; Full members may participate in all groups.)

GARV - Group ARV - is set-up so no viewer will ever see both Possible Targets. This is not the case in standard ARV.  

GROUP analysis/judging is done for all the transcripts received for each's day's GARV predictions.


Group ARV (GARV) Tasking groups are:
Pegasus -  Monday FeedBack
Beta - Tuesday
Sage - Wednesday
Financial - Thursday
Omega - Friday


Here is link with more discussion on GARV including Prediction and FeedBack.  You can fast-forward on long pauses while Group Judging is going on.


Positive Feedback (Encouraged as part of the GARV protocol)

The Positive Feedback (PFB) approach is designed to improve matches between a Remove Viewer's Transcript and the Target.


IMPROVEMENTS are made by:

  • removing noise from money considerations and

  • removing noise from seeing both Possible Targets.

Viewers simply do their RV transcript. And then they do a PFB Session after receiving the FeedBack Target.  

The PFB session involves:

  • Marking on their transcript the matches with the Target, and

  • Doing another, frontloaded, RV transcript...this one being the transcript they wished they had done during their RV session. This is the PFB transcript.







Emphasis was placed on the PFB approach at the APP 2024 conference in May; see examples of PFB on the ARV Examples page.

EXAMPLE: Original transcript (left) and Positive Feedback (PFB) transcript (right) by Joe Matto at the APP 2024 conference.

Positive Feedback
Slide11 copy
Slide12 copy_edited

Submit target pairs

If you have an interesting target in mind you can submit it for review to be used as a Winning Entanglement target.


Make sure it’s at least one of the following: interesting, colorful, fun, unusual, or has a sense of excitement or motion. Nothing too complex (e.g., a mass of items with no single point of interest) or boring (e.g., a field of wheat). Also, please nothing controversial or disturbing!


Please provide either a single pdf containing all the information, or a jpeg. If the target is a particular location or item of note please provide some detail about it, such as a link to Wikipedia.

Please ensure images do not have any license restrictions, so they are either public domain or Creative Commons license. Wikipedia is a good source of such images.

Send your submissions to

Online RV practice targets 

Ready to practice your remote viewing skills?


International School of Clairvoyance (Debra Lynne Katz)

Choose from specific types of targets, such as license plates, numbers, real people, pictograms, real objects, animals and gestalts

Lyn Buchanan's CRV Training and Services

The feedback for these targets is designed to make them usable for viewers of every level of training and experience. Because of that, the completeness of the feedback information may seem daunting to beginning viewers. You are not expected or required to get all the information provided in the feedback. It is simply provided as feedback in case you do get any of it. For your practice, simply work the targets to the level of your own training and abilities, and do not worry about getting everything provided. 

Tachistoscope by Lyn Buchanan
Online ideogram practice

A tachistoscope is a device that displays an image for a specific amount of time. It can be used to increase recognition speed, to show something too fast to be consciously recognized, or to test which elements of an image are memorable.
Donate to Lyn via Daz Smith's RemoteViewed website above.

For Mac version created by John Maillard
Tachistoscope program
Ideogram Program
How-to Video 
Donate to John

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