Bill Isakson

Bill worked in a grey area between physics and chemistry at Stanford Research Institute (now SRI-International) in Energy related research. Later he associated with another section of SRI reporting on bird activity which tends to increase a few days before earthquakes. He is a Chemist, but studied psychology on the sly and church ministry formally. Bill started working with Marty Rosenblatt at P-I-A in the year 2000 as a viewer and currently is creating picture pairs for the project. He had been tested for psychic abilities in a project at NASA-Ames in 1967. He has studied and recorded dreams most of his life and while at Seminary studied dreams under Jermey Taylor, a well-known Jungian who specializes in Dream work and Prophetic literature, such as Ezekiel, under Victor R. Gold and others, plus some work on past life regression and near death experience. He has also been mentored by Catholic Monastic leaders among Trappists, Dominicans, and Jesuits. Dreams are like ARV and often reveal a time character.